Monday, January 22, 2018

Insane parabolic finish? 2990 on the S&P next week?

Mrs. Northy put her finger on what seemed too terrible to be true.  We could be at 2990 SPX in 5 trading sessions.  It's set to go even more insanely vertical.

S&P 500 parabola!

Will the 10Y Treasury yield also go straight up?  Serious resistance is up at 3.5% -- rates we cannot afford as a broke, debtor nation.  Equities must be sacrificed to Moloch.

10Y Treasury yield, log scale

The good news is that this can have a happy ending.  After cresting at 2990, we can be back at the 1000 level on the S&P 500 by Christmas.

S&P 500 bounce off Brexit lows, retest, crash


christiangustafson said...

Brexit lows picked over 1810 SPX lows because we still need to retest the rally channel -- red line.

Fed will be draining the swamp all year.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of sacrificing things to Moloch. I'm starting to think the powers that be, are sacrificing Hollywood, the NFL, and Vegas. It seems counterintuitive, but I'm feeling conspiratorial lately. Watch out for tsunamis!

T.Berry said...

jpm news , another $20b tossed into the economy , 10% raises, new hiring and 400 new branches

thanks to tax cuts this is spreading to other companies.

when the infrastructure bill passes it will have a similar effect

the fundamentals will only continue to get stronger keeping stock markets well within value and supportin higher markets over the longer term

Americans continue to enjoy record wealth that will get record-er lol

T.Berry said...

also the blowout earnings we're seeing this q should continue well into the foreseeable future

T.Berry said...

nas up over 8% ytd dow jones and s&p over 6% with 6 more trading days in January! !!!

hugh, leaving plenty of met on the bone being out of the market in '18. Still plenty of time to get back in :)