hugh,the fed will make the right call. their track record over the last 9 years is down right insanely impressive. remember, yellen is no slouch. she has done a pretty amazing job following up bernanke. consider a 5% pullback a gift (hint, stock market always comes back 100% of the time). long term, the stock market will do just fine. can you picture dow 30,000 :O)
"The Creator is gonna be pissed off when he sees what we have done to this Fine Planet - or EDEN" It's 120+ degrees in some places, -20 in others, the majority of water on "eden" is salt water, there are fault lines which cause earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, volcanoes, etc. If the earth was created, it seems like a pretty shoddy job was done.
I am more worried about the robots than anything else. TSE. What do you have to say about the robots? Automation. Etc. Also, what about increasing life expectancies? That, together with automation are huge forces that could propel us into negative rates. How does the Fed overcome that? Sometimes, to understand something, take a scenario to the extreme... If you knew you would live 500 years, would you be in much of a hurry to get paid back on a loan you made? Increasing life expectancies could be one factor that I have never seen mentioned as a critical force in driving interest rates lower. Couple that with automation, AI, demographic changes, etc, and maybe the bond market is designed, even more so than stocks, to go perpetually higher.
Would anyone WANT to live 500 years? I'm not sure I want to live 90! How many new experiences could a person have? It seems that long of a life would just end up being monotonous. The older I get, the more I think the primitives had it better in some ways. An intense/hard 35 or so years, as opposed to a soft/cushy 90.
"What are we to make of creation in which routine activity is for organisms to be tearing others apart with teeth of all types - biting, grinding flesh, plant stalks, bones between molars, pushing the pulp greedily down the gullet with delight, incorporating its essence into one’s own organization, and then excreting with foul stench and gasses residue. Everyone reaching out to incorporate others who are edible to him. The mosquitoes bloating themselves on blood, the maggots, the killer-bees attacking with a fury and a demonism, sharks continuing to tear and swallow while their own innards are being torn out - not to mention the daily dismemberment and slaughter in “natural” accidents of all types: an earthquake buries alive 70 thousand bodies in Peru, a tidal wave washes over a quarter of a million in the Indian Ocean. Creation is a nightmare spectacular taking place on a planet that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years in the blood of all creatures. The soberest conclusion that we could make about what has actually been taking place on the planet about three billion years is that it is being turned into a vast pit of fertilizer. But the sun distracts our attention, always baking the blood dry, making things grow over it, and with its warmth giving the hope that comes with the organism’s comfort and expansiveness."
The Eastern mind understands that death leads to life - renewal - or that cycles from high to low are a natural consequence which leads to living in a balanced World.
The Om (or Aum) is said to be the “sound” of cosmic creation that occurs throughout the universe. It is described in Hindu and Buddhist teachings and texts and many claim to hear it during meditation. In the context of the ancient physics of subquantum kinetics, it may be interpreted as the constant fluctuation of the ether substrates that extend throughout the universe and underlie our physical wave-like existence. This vibrating ether may be be compared to a choppy sea, or to the white noise snow many have seen on an untuned analog TV set. Subquantum kinetics predicts the existence of such a cosmic vibration as a collective of minute energy impulses, each of which is a momentary localized ether concentration pulse (or energy pulse) imparted when an etheron changes from one state to another either through a transmutation or reaction process. There may be an infinite number of such ether states in this possibly endless journey through ether states deployed through the higher dimension of space, but we have no way of knowing for sure. We can only hypothesize with some certainty that our universe exists at a particular juncture in this river of transformation, a flux that extends both “above” and “below” our physical plane.
This etheron transformation is a Markov chain process, one in which death from one state occurs in conjunction with birth into a new state. Shiva Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer from Hindu mysticism shown above, symbolically illustrates this Markovian process. His left hand holds the flame of cosmic dissolution which represents the departure of etherons as they disappear from their former etheric state to transmute into the next. His upper right hand, his hand of creation, holds a drum which he continually shakes creating the sound of cosmic creation, the Om sound. This represents the vibratory pulses of the etherons popping into their new etheron states throughout the universe. Shiva’s dancing body is configured in the shape of the ancient sanskrit Om symbol. Together, these processes of etheron dissolution and creation which Shiva denotes signifies the ever-present cosmic flux that sustains our physical universe in its present state of existence.
The Om may also be identified with the continual omnipresent stochastic energy fluctuation process that physicists call the zero-point energy continuum. Although the standard physics concept of quantum zero-point fluctuation differs in some respects in comparison to the subquantum fluctuation concept of subquantum kinetics, both theories predict the existence of a zero-point energy continuum. There is no known experiment that can directly observe these zero point fluctuations since subquantum kinetics predicts that they take place below the quantum level and standard physics predicts that they last a length of time too short for measurement. Their presence, however, has indirectly been observed through detection of the Casimir effect, a force theorized to be exerted on two closely spaced parallel plates, due to environmental zero-point fluctuation pressure attempting to pushing them together
It is from the "Om" that the Banksters create money - and thus an overunity reaction.
I hope this answers your question:
"That, together with automation are huge forces that could propel us into negative rates. How does the Fed overcome that?"
In 1966 a group of highly respected aerospace engineers revealed that US scientists were perfecting ways to control gravity. They predicted a breakthrough would come by the end of the decade, ushering in an era of limitless, clean propulsion for a new breed of fuelless transport systems - and weapons beyond our imagination. Of course it never happened. Or did it? Forty years later a chance encounter with one of the engineers who made that prediction forces a highly sceptical aerospace and defence journalist, Nick Cook, to consider the possibility that America did indeed crack the gravity code - and has covered up ever since. His investigations moved from the corridors of NASA to the dark heartland of America's classified weapons establishment, where it became clear that half a century ago, in the dying days of the Third Reich, Nazi scientists were racing to perfect a Pandora's Box of high technology that would deliver Germany from defeat. History says that they failed. But the trail that takes Cook deep into the once-impenetrable empire of SS General Hans Kammler - the man charged by Adolf Hitler with perfecting German secret weapons technology - says otherwise. In his pursuit of the true facts behind Kammler, Cook finally establishes the truth: America is determined to hang onto its secrets, but the stakes are enormous and others are now in the race to acquire a suppressed technology.
And to be slightly more rude - compost - which is composed of formerly live material - and which is now considered as dead - nourishes the young and the living.
This is what you - HJ - were supposed to learn in Kindergarten:
"I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds."
"This circling planet-ball is no navel-contemplating Nirvana, but rather a vast whirling star-lit Valhalla, where victorious battlers quaff the foaming hearts-blood of their smashed-up adversaries, from the scooped out skull goblets of the slain in never-ending war."
"Why is Gary Cohn currently touting a reinstatement of Glass-Steagall?"
To re-separate, and prevent, individual bank savings from being used as collateral for mega margin used for speculation.
Thus, when whatever is being speculated on by mega margin at bubble peaks pops the banking system is not effected.
History says won't be reenacted till we are near the bottom of the next collapse, as it took the original banking collapse of the 1930 depression before folks thought it was a good idea - after the horse has bolted - and then it took the 1999 bubble peak before ditching Glass Steagal was deemed smart.
"Economically, wars cost money; in a free economy, where wealth is privately owned, the costs of war come out of the income of private citizens—there is no overblown public treasury to hide that fact—and a citizen cannot hope to recoup his own financial losses (such as taxes or business dislocations or property destruction) by winning the war. Thus his own economic interests are on the side of peace.
In a statist economy, where wealth is “publicly owned,” a citizen has no economic interests to protect by preserving peace—he is only a drop in the common bucket—while war gives him the (fallacious) hope of larger handouts from his master. Ideologically, he is trained to regard men as sacrificial animals; he is one himself; he can have no concept of why foreigners should not be sacrificed on the same public altar for the benefit of the same state."
A group of players sit in a circle, facing inward, while another player, who is "it", walks around tapping or pointing to each player in turn, calling each a "duck" until finally calling one a "goose". The "goose" then rises and tries to tag "it", while "it" tries to return to and sit where the "goose" had been sitting. If "it" succeeds, the "goose" becomes "it" and the process begins again. If the "goose" tags "it", the "goose" may return to sit in the previous spot and "it" resumes the process.[2],_duck,_goose
Everything I ever needed to know - I learned in Kindergarten.
Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are is an account of humankind’s function within the grand celestial battle between internal and external knowledge. Author Bob Frissell gives a compelling account of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness, presenting a big-screen view of the Earth through the experience of the Ascended Masters, Thoth, Babaji, and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
I think we do 2290s worst case on this leg down, then New ATH in the low 2400s, then come within 1% of 2290s and then retest and fail at 2400... By July .
that would be almost 3% pullback bryan, sounds about right given the mkt strenght. can't imagine it falling much more with the amount of buying that seems to step in on any little pullback. 2450 is my year end target and i'll stick with it for now unless we're there by june/july which is possible, then re-access and raise into year end. 2500 is a nice round number :)
todays dji 139 pt rally off the low was very impressive and just another reason why not to sell this bull.
no real need to get there by a certain date cg, it will get there, just be patient. btw going much higher by the time this secular bull runs it's course. a year from now it will be much higher anyway. been here for the last 6,000 dji points waiting for the crash and plan to be here for the next 6,000 (only about 28% till 27k). too many are caught up in 2009 happening again. it will, but its a once in lifetime event (think once every 80 years or so). who has that kind of time :)!
so whether it gets to 2464 by the end of april or not, in a year, 2 years, 3 years, it will be much higher (um, we're in a multi-year secular bull). have a long term horizon --ltbh & price average in wins 100% of the time :) pssst, the stock market always comes back :) and buying the dip works 100% of the time. got to play the averages cg!
Fits with the Monday/Tuesday mini-crash as algos front-run stop loss triggers, then we reverse as the dust clears and it becomes clearer that the fighting is nearing the end rather than the beginning. All to complete a 4th wave. If its a biggy 4th then resulting 5th likely a failure. That's my expectation!
don't think we'll see a new high cg, but new highs! and many more of them. you've been calling the highs pretty good, forget the crashes! easiest way to make money in a secular is being long (remember to ave in and you win 100% of time)! the amount of wealth being created should continue for quite a while. american's have never been wealthier
2370 will get here cg. just patience is all that is needed. doesn't really matter to me whether its this month or next or possibly even june. gotta hit 2370 on the way to 2500 :) have a hunch we'll see 666 but its going to have a 2 in front 2666 sometime within next 12-18 months. its the strongest bull in history until it isn't :) . we're fortunate as investors
who knows hugh, this could be the beginning of morgan stanleys recent call for a 30% rally. that puts s&p smack on 3,000. historical bull market in progress!
cg you should draw a chart showing how we get to 3,000 :)
bryan, not much not to like about this market. what could possibly slow it down a bit is if the economy starts overheating. if that happens, i think the fed steps in and rights it. like them or not, they have done a pretty amazing job over the past 8 years. americans have never been wealthier and i'd say they deserve some of the credit.
Tape looks great today; wave 4 finally in as an abcde triangle? Now we can rally hard to 4/28 USA debt doom and $amzn earnings.
I'm at the south rim of the Grand Canyon tonight, on the Maswik Lodge wifis, heading down into the canyon with my mom and sister tomorrow morning. We've got two nights at the tent sites on Bright Angel, always good hiking down in there.
When I was a teenager, I rode a mule to the bottom of the north rim. Awesome experience, but I would not do it again. I had to sign a release of liability waiver, and about half way through the trip I knew why.
Small caps are too strong relatively speaking. I think the S&P makes a lower low like the Dow did this week, but $RUT holds this week's lows, and the dip is short-lived in equity land.
I have the recent correction as the 1st of 3 corrections this year, with the next rally slated to hit new highs in May/June peak, drop back near here for 2nd correction around July, before final blast off to new highs going into August/September peak. Then watch out below. AKA the 1929, 1987, and 2007 patterns.
"Then watch out below. AKA the 1929, 1987, and 2007 patterns" It seems a lot more like the late nineties to me, and I think the bear market to follow will be similar. Either way we're setting up for a violent bull run.
A royal melt-up repeat is possible, though hard to make a case that one is underway now, not with so few stocks making new highs. That can change, and certainly we should be able to spot some signs of that, though so far brute momo strength is lacking.
High risk blow off phases - of which we are in, per my bull/bear cycle indicator - keep on going till the bears score a big win.
They follow the 3 corrective model I outlined above.
A Great Bear starts when the bears score their big win.
1929/1987/2007 ended with the third correction being the big one.
A 1999 repeat would suggest we survive that fall crash attempt, to end the year in blow off mode.
If so, then we get to repeat this whole process again next year.
Following the trend - both up and down - is the way to trade high risk blow off phases. Hisrtory puts a 80% chance we see a fall crash, versus we see a 1998/1999 royal melt-up.
One of the reasons I think this is different from those bear markets, is that I just don't see an inverted yield curve anywhere in sight. I believe all of those bears were preceded by a sharp curve inversion. I'm hardly a bond market expert, but bonds seem to be in an entirely different place than anything we're accustomed to.
HJ. It is a strange thing. At first, this will sound like a contradiction from my previous post. Crashes, by definition, happen from great heights. That usually happens after yields have been rising anyways (because things have been good). So in essence, almost every crash has been preceded by a rise in yields! The historical precedent we are looking for is something different. Yields have three components 1. Inflation 2. Real interest/growth 3. Fudge factor (liquidity preference?) Something China-related could cause a sustained spike in that third component. I think a lot of crashes have an element of that third component as a trigger, but it is usually brief. I can't think of a precedent for a long-term rise in liquidity premia. There might have been in 1800s and before. I will have to review. Also, keep in mind that just because a particular mechanism for a crash hasn't happened in the last century, it doesn't mean it is any less likely of a potential cause. Market historians have recreated financial markets to antiquity, and crashes were caused by all sorts of reasons we haven't seen since the NYSE has existed.
There are other elements to consider beyond the yield curve that were present prior to all past major bear markets. One is prolonged bull market (this is second longest on record.) One is margin debt record followed by a pullback in margin debt (current level comparable to 2000 and 2007 peaks, and is backing off.) Deteriorating earnings growth (SP earnings peaked in 2014.) Recession indicators moving into position for a turn (record low 4 week MA of unemployment claims, record high consumer confidence, record high business confidence = all ready to switch the other way.) Divergence (Trannies, utilities, small caps all in position to non-confirm a move to new highs for industrials, SP, NAZ.) Very high valuations (stocks have only spent 9% of time at these, or above these, lofty valuations, and most of those were going into the 2000 and 2007 peaks.
Add in the potential for a meat-grinder war with North Korea that can start without any warning at any time, a constitutional crises in the US if news event swing bad for Trump re Russia, or Obama re wire-tapping, a government shut down as freedom caucus dig in, a failure of another Greek bailout this summer, or an anti-EU win for candidates in France or Germany.
And, last but least, the yield curve can invert in one of two ways. Short rates rise faster than long rates. Long rates drop faster than short rates.
Any fear event outlined above can easily result in the latter as money comes out of stocks into the bond market.
The markets are a confidence Ponzi scheme, after all.
"Short rates rise faster than long rates." That scenario seems much more likely to me here. No matter what, I'm convinced there is some money to be made over the next few/several months, on the long side. The latest AAII sentiment survey has only 25% of investors bullish. That will likely decline further on the next survey, then when might have a low in finally.
I use NAAIM for sentiment data, and that remains stubbornly bullish. NAAIM exposure index currently at 71% net long.
I'm personally 94% in QLD, 5% in TZA, 1% in TVIX. Looking to sell 1/2 QLD on NAZ rally to 6200, and/or reverse TZA and TVIX hedges on a 3-5% pullback.
Expect bears to be disappointed till September, though all bets are off if something blows up overseas and money rushes into the USD.
"DJIA is now going to be over 22k by mid-June '17. Likely mid-22k's." I suck at predicting anything past a quarter or two, but 2017 looks golden to me. Obviously things will get more precarious as the year goes on, and 2018 is looking downright scary from this far distance.
yah it may only be the second longest bull (for now at least) but by far the strongest bull ever. dji has average 16% annualized over last 8 years. we likely will never see a stronger bull that should end up being the longest as well.
the amount of wealth created over that time has been unprecendented and no where near done.
cheers to levels never seen before in the stock market!
hugh, why bother selling in may and trying to time market in the first place? its much easier to average in and keep buying if you are a long term investor. you win 100% of the time and don't have to try and time the market which most people probably can't. 401ks and stock portfolio's are at all time record highs and going higher
I for one am excited about us accelerating through the 2400 level here on the S&P 500. This looks like the 5th wave burst up and out of the 4th wave triangle.
"What could possibly go wrong?" Without a real catalyst for a crash, absolutely nothing for the time being. Unless there is something magical about the number 2400, or a particular plot on a chart. Wars do not cause crashes, particular elected officials do not cause crashes. The biggest crashes ever, have happened when everything seems perfect in the world. When enough people feel that nothing can or will go wrong, and blow every dime they have, that's when things really start to spin out of control. This is why Trump is so bullish temporarily, he's sent half or more of the country into doom mode. All of the sabre-rattling is just adding to it. The real knee slapper will be when most or all of those limp-wristed weenies, finally realize they're missing the last big run up in the market, they will jump on board the Titanic.
Lots of negative divergences popping up. What will drive the markets higher after the FANGS pop higher after earnings? NAZ 6200 remains my target and exit point. The faster we get there the happier me and my QLD position will be. The danger to this bullish now nirvana is we b in for the mother of all traps and this is puppy dies and rolls over in the next day or so to leave us all hanging, hoping for more that never comes.
As for catalysts for a turn and crash? How about glum senator faces coming out of tomorrow's meeting with the president re NK, indicating war is coming.
Iraq military was already mostly destroyed well before the war begun, especially the air force. NK remains fully intact, much larger, much closer to western interests of SK. Also there was a bear market during the build-up of both Iraq wars, with my bull/bear cycle indicator calling for a new bull market to start in both cases. Now the situation is one of a blow off bull about to turn to a Great Bear. It is not the news itself that has future forecasting power, rather then reaction to a news event. And the reaction is determined by the majority being positioned wrong when a news event lands. So a war with NK here would likely lead to the opposite of the Iraq war starts, since the bull/bear cycle is positioned exactly opposite.
"It Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself. Where do we go from here? Data has become the tail that wags the dog; and we are pets, not free individuals in this configuration. And things are growing Darker."
It Knows.
A black box for money.
Funding the left...
Funding the right...
The Ying and Yang of continuous over-unity creation. Or perhaps The Priests of the Temple at Syrinyx.
We've taken care of everything The words you read, the songs you sing The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes It's one for all, all for one We work together, common sons Never need to wonder how or why
We are the priests Of the Temples of Syrinx Our great computers Fill the hallowed halls We are the priests Of the Temples of Syrinx All the gifts of life Are held within our walls
And Paradise! aka Xanadu! You're there but your human-ness blinds you to the truth.
Lies, all lies.
Any cuts will probably be put off till 2018. They need to keep raising now so they can cut later. They know what's coming.
hugh,the fed will make the right call. their track record over the last 9 years is down right insanely impressive. remember, yellen is no slouch. she has done a pretty amazing job following up bernanke. consider a 5% pullback a gift (hint, stock market always comes back 100% of the time). long term, the stock market will do just fine.
can you picture dow 30,000 :O)
You guys have any theories about what's happening in this banana republic?
Is it all over? We just wait for the Bannon exit now?
yeah it's over, s&p going to 200 next week or the following. can you picture that lol
Not the market, silly. Trump's mandate from his base.
His base is extremely pissed-off tonight.
It is either a massive depression - or a quantum leap in Hu-Man development.
Remember - that all natural Earthbound primates have 24 chromosomes - while Hu-Mans only have 23.
The Creator is gonna be pissed off when he sees what we have done to this Fine Planet - or EDEN.
"The Creator is gonna be pissed off when he sees what we have done to this Fine Planet - or EDEN" It's 120+ degrees in some places, -20 in others, the majority of water on "eden" is salt water, there are fault lines which cause earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, volcanoes, etc. If the earth was created, it seems like a pretty shoddy job was done.
I am more worried about the robots than anything else. TSE. What do you have to say about the robots? Automation. Etc. Also, what about increasing life expectancies? That, together with automation are huge forces that could propel us into negative rates. How does the Fed overcome that? Sometimes, to understand something, take a scenario to the extreme... If you knew you would live 500 years, would you be in much of a hurry to get paid back on a loan you made? Increasing life expectancies could be one factor that I have never seen mentioned as a critical force in driving interest rates lower. Couple that with automation, AI, demographic changes, etc, and maybe the bond market is designed, even more so than stocks, to go perpetually higher.
Would anyone WANT to live 500 years? I'm not sure I want to live 90! How many new experiences could a person have? It seems that long of a life would just end up being monotonous. The older I get, the more I think the primitives had it better in some ways. An intense/hard 35 or so years, as opposed to a soft/cushy 90.
HJ. That wasn't my point.
"What are we to make of creation in which routine activity is for organisms to be tearing others apart with teeth of all types - biting, grinding flesh, plant stalks, bones between molars, pushing the pulp greedily down the gullet with delight, incorporating its essence into one’s own organization, and then excreting with foul stench and gasses residue. Everyone reaching out to incorporate others who are edible to him. The mosquitoes bloating themselves on blood, the maggots, the killer-bees attacking with a fury and a demonism, sharks continuing to tear and swallow while their own innards are being torn out - not to mention the daily dismemberment and slaughter in “natural” accidents of all types: an earthquake buries alive 70 thousand bodies in Peru, a tidal wave washes over a quarter of a million in the Indian Ocean. Creation is a nightmare spectacular taking place on a planet that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years in the blood of all creatures. The soberest conclusion that we could make about what has actually been taking place on the planet about three billion years is that it is being turned into a vast pit of fertilizer. But the sun distracts our attention, always baking the blood dry, making things grow over it, and with its warmth giving the hope that comes with the organism’s comfort and expansiveness."
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
To answer your question:
The Western mind can only experience "Death"
The Eastern mind understands that death leads to life - renewal - or that cycles from high to low are a natural consequence which leads to living in a balanced World.
The Om (or Aum) is said to be the “sound” of cosmic creation that occurs throughout the universe. It is described in Hindu and Buddhist teachings and texts and many claim to hear it during meditation. In the context of the ancient physics of subquantum kinetics, it may be interpreted as the constant fluctuation of the ether substrates that extend throughout the universe and underlie our physical wave-like existence. This vibrating ether may be be compared to a choppy sea, or to the white noise snow many have seen on an untuned analog TV set. Subquantum kinetics predicts the existence of such a cosmic vibration as a collective of minute energy impulses, each of which is a momentary localized ether concentration pulse (or energy pulse) imparted when an etheron changes from one state to another either through a transmutation or reaction process. There may be an infinite number of such ether states in this possibly endless journey through ether states deployed through the higher dimension of space, but we have no way of knowing for sure. We can only hypothesize with some certainty that our universe exists at a particular juncture in this river of transformation, a flux that extends both “above” and “below” our physical plane.
This etheron transformation is a Markov chain process, one in which death from one state occurs in conjunction with birth into a new state. Shiva Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer from Hindu mysticism shown above, symbolically illustrates this Markovian process. His left hand holds the flame of cosmic dissolution which represents the departure of etherons as they disappear from their former etheric state to transmute into the next. His upper right hand, his hand of creation, holds a drum which he continually shakes creating the sound of cosmic creation, the Om sound. This represents the vibratory pulses of the etherons popping into their new etheron states throughout the universe. Shiva’s dancing body is configured in the shape of the ancient sanskrit Om symbol. Together, these processes of etheron dissolution and creation which Shiva denotes signifies the ever-present cosmic flux that sustains our physical universe in its present state of existence.
The Om may also be identified with the continual omnipresent stochastic energy fluctuation process that physicists call the zero-point energy continuum. Although the standard physics concept of quantum zero-point fluctuation differs in some respects in comparison to the subquantum fluctuation concept of subquantum kinetics, both theories predict the existence of a zero-point energy continuum. There is no known experiment that can directly observe these zero point fluctuations since subquantum kinetics predicts that they take place below the quantum level and standard physics predicts that they last a length of time too short for measurement. Their presence, however, has indirectly been observed through detection of the Casimir effect, a force theorized to be exerted on two closely spaced parallel plates, due to environmental zero-point fluctuation pressure attempting to pushing them together
It is from the "Om" that the Banksters create money - and thus an overunity reaction.
I hope this answers your question:
"That, together with automation are huge forces that could propel us into negative rates. How does the Fed overcome that?"
The Universe is....Limitless.
The Hunt for Zeropoint:
In 1966 a group of highly respected aerospace engineers revealed that US scientists were perfecting ways to control gravity. They predicted a breakthrough would come by the end of the decade, ushering in an era of limitless, clean propulsion for a new breed of fuelless transport systems - and weapons beyond our imagination. Of course it never happened. Or did it? Forty years later a chance encounter with one of the engineers who made that prediction forces a highly sceptical aerospace and defence journalist, Nick Cook, to consider the possibility that America did indeed crack the gravity code - and has covered up ever since. His investigations moved from the corridors of NASA to the dark heartland of America's classified weapons establishment, where it became clear that half a century ago, in the dying days of the Third Reich, Nazi scientists were racing to perfect a Pandora's Box of high technology that would deliver Germany from defeat. History says that they failed. But the trail that takes Cook deep into the once-impenetrable empire of SS General Hans Kammler - the man charged by Adolf Hitler with perfecting German secret weapons technology - says otherwise. In his pursuit of the true facts behind Kammler, Cook finally establishes the truth: America is determined to hang onto its secrets, but the stakes are enormous and others are now in the race to acquire a suppressed technology.
And to be slightly more rude - compost - which is composed of formerly live material - and which is now considered as dead - nourishes the young and the living.
This is what you - HJ - were supposed to learn in Kindergarten:
"I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds."
Aleister Crowley
"This circling planet-ball is no navel-contemplating Nirvana, but rather a vast whirling star-lit Valhalla, where victorious battlers quaff the foaming hearts-blood of their smashed-up adversaries, from the scooped out skull goblets of the slain in never-ending war."
Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
TSE -- excellent contribution, thanks.
I saw the Church play that at Mandell Hall in the Reynolds Club (U of C) in, what, 1988? Good show.
"Why is Gary Cohn currently touting a reinstatement of Glass-Steagall?"
To re-separate, and prevent, individual bank savings from being used as collateral for mega margin used for speculation.
Thus, when whatever is being speculated on by mega margin at bubble peaks pops the banking system is not effected.
History says won't be reenacted till we are near the bottom of the next collapse, as it took the original banking collapse of the 1930 depression before folks thought it was a good idea - after the horse has bolted - and then it took the 1999 bubble peak before ditching Glass Steagal was deemed smart.
You just can't make this stuff up!
Hey! New guy!
I'm more like a doomsday lurker than a new guy ;-)
"doomsday lurker" I like that.
"Economically, wars cost money; in a free economy, where wealth is privately owned, the costs of war come out of the income of private citizens—there is no overblown public treasury to hide that fact—and a citizen cannot hope to recoup his own financial losses (such as taxes or business dislocations or property destruction) by winning the war. Thus his own economic interests are on the side of peace.
In a statist economy, where wealth is “publicly owned,” a citizen has no economic interests to protect by preserving peace—he is only a drop in the common bucket—while war gives him the (fallacious) hope of larger handouts from his master. Ideologically, he is trained to regard men as sacrificial animals; he is one himself; he can have no concept of why foreigners should not be sacrificed on the same public altar for the benefit of the same state."
Ayn Rand
Trader: "Investors Are Struggling More With The Known Knowns Than The Unknown Ones"
The Fibonacci in Lateralus
BTW - Thakx CG -
Remember Duck Duck Goose -
A group of players sit in a circle, facing inward, while another player, who is "it", walks around tapping or pointing to each player in turn, calling each a "duck" until finally calling one a "goose". The "goose" then rises and tries to tag "it", while "it" tries to return to and sit where the "goose" had been sitting. If "it" succeeds, the "goose" becomes "it" and the process begins again. If the "goose" tags "it", the "goose" may return to sit in the previous spot and "it" resumes the process.[2],_duck,_goose
Everything I ever needed to know - I learned in Kindergarten.
Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are is an account of humankind’s function within the grand celestial battle between internal and external knowledge. Author Bob Frissell gives a compelling account of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness, presenting a big-screen view of the Earth through the experience of the Ascended Masters, Thoth, Babaji, and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
The Godz:
Nothing to see here.
careful with those shorts...
Morgan Stanley says huge 30% stock surge could be ahead; Like 1999, 'cannot afford to miss it'
There is a New Moon April 26.
$AMZN earnings are the next day. The stock would complete a bearish wedge up around $952 by then.
They are the economy now, you know.
I think we do 2290s worst case on this leg down, then New ATH in the low 2400s, then come within 1% of 2290s and then retest and fail at 2400... By July .
that would be almost 3% pullback bryan, sounds about right given the mkt strenght. can't imagine it falling much more with the amount of buying that seems to step in on any little pullback. 2450 is my year end target and i'll stick with it for now unless we're there by june/july which is possible, then re-access and raise into year end. 2500 is a nice round number :)
todays dji 139 pt rally off the low was very impressive and just another reason why not to sell this bull.
Mr. Berry --
Help me convince these degenerate permabears that the market needs to get to 2464 on the S&P by the end of April.
no real need to get there by a certain date cg, it will get there, just be patient. btw going much higher by the time this secular bull runs it's course. a year from now it will be much higher anyway. been here for the last 6,000 dji points waiting for the crash and plan to be here for the next 6,000 (only about 28% till 27k). too many are caught up in 2009 happening again. it will, but its a once in lifetime event (think once every 80 years or so). who has that kind of time :)!
so whether it gets to 2464 by the end of april or not, in a year, 2 years, 3 years, it will be much higher (um, we're in a multi-year secular bull). have a long term horizon --ltbh & price average in wins 100% of the time :) pssst, the stock market always comes back :) and buying the dip works 100% of the time. got to play the averages cg!
This permabear sees no reason to be bearish for the time being.
agree hj, haven't seen any reason in the last 6 years. nothings changed except the economy getting stronger. don't see it slowing down anytime soon
get ready for a flash crash. Get those hedges on!
I think we are near the end of the crash window from the last Hindenburg Omen signal from a few months ago.
If we get a 5th wave up, presumably it would be low-volume and full of divergences that would give us a fresh HO.
Watch the VIX today -- if it closes back inside its daily Bollinger Band (~15.30), that would be considered a "buy" signal on the indices.
Markets likely puke as 50 day moving averages give way as North Korea day of reckoning weekend looms larger, thus expect VIX to soar tomorrow.
Bourses closed for Good Friday tomorrow, Kevin.
Fits with the Monday/Tuesday mini-crash as algos front-run stop loss triggers, then we reverse as the dust clears and it becomes clearer that the fighting is nearing the end rather than the beginning. All to complete a 4th wave. If its a biggy 4th then resulting 5th likely a failure. That's my expectation!
Affix your tin foil hats gentleman.
Nearly 90% bullish VIX sentiment, over 70% bearish SPX sentiment. Oh man.
^VIX showing a buy signal on the indexes, closing outside its upper daily Bollinger Band, and now back inside.
We have obvious overhead resistance, need to punch through it and make a new high.
don't think we'll see a new high cg, but new highs! and many more of them. you've been calling the highs pretty good, forget the crashes! easiest way to make money in a secular is being long (remember to ave in and you win 100% of time)! the amount of wealth being created should continue for quite a while. american's have never been wealthier
think 4th inning.
We are agreed, Mr. Berry. SPX just needs to get through 2370 and it will run.
I'd be tickled if we could retake the 2400 level by the end of this week.
2370 will get here cg. just patience is all that is needed. doesn't really matter to me whether its this month or next or possibly even june. gotta hit 2370 on the way to 2500 :) have a hunch we'll see 666 but its going to have a 2 in front 2666 sometime within next 12-18 months. its the strongest bull in history until it isn't :) . we're fortunate as investors
We have to become as emotionless as the machines.
I think this might be it. It looks like we'll push through resistance finally.
LOL! Who could have seen this coming?
who knows hugh, this could be the beginning of morgan stanleys recent call for a 30% rally. that puts s&p smack on 3,000. historical bull market in progress!
cg you should draw a chart showing how we get to 3,000 :)
Bullish small caps versus tech right here.
bryan, not much not to like about this market. what could possibly slow it down a bit is if the economy starts overheating. if that happens, i think the fed steps in and rights it. like them or not, they have done a pretty amazing job over the past 8 years. americans have never been wealthier and i'd say they deserve some of the credit.
just saw this article no sooner than last post....the fed might be doing to good of a job :)
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Tape looks great today; wave 4 finally in as an abcde triangle? Now we can rally hard to 4/28 USA debt doom and $amzn earnings.
I'm at the south rim of the Grand Canyon tonight, on the Maswik Lodge wifis, heading down into the canyon with my mom and sister tomorrow morning. We've got two nights at the tent sites on Bright Angel, always good hiking down in there.
When I was a teenager, I rode a mule to the bottom of the north rim. Awesome experience, but I would not do it again. I had to sign a release of liability waiver, and about half way through the trip I knew why.
Are we setting up for a rocket close?
Small caps are too strong relatively speaking. I think the S&P makes a lower low like the Dow did this week, but $RUT holds this week's lows, and the dip is short-lived in equity land.
"and the dip is short-lived in equity land." Breadth trajectory is starting to look bullish. Instead of sell in May, looks like buy in May this year.
I have the recent correction as the 1st of 3 corrections this year, with the next rally slated to hit new highs in May/June peak, drop back near here for 2nd correction around July, before final blast off to new highs going into August/September peak. Then watch out below. AKA the 1929, 1987, and 2007 patterns.
"Then watch out below. AKA the 1929, 1987, and 2007 patterns" It seems a lot more like the late nineties to me, and I think the bear market to follow will be similar. Either way we're setting up for a violent bull run.
A royal melt-up repeat is possible, though hard to make a case that one is underway now, not with so few stocks making new highs. That can change, and certainly we should be able to spot some signs of that, though so far brute momo strength is lacking.
High risk blow off phases - of which we are in, per my bull/bear cycle indicator - keep on going till the bears score a big win.
They follow the 3 corrective model I outlined above.
A Great Bear starts when the bears score their big win.
1929/1987/2007 ended with the third correction being the big one.
A 1999 repeat would suggest we survive that fall crash attempt, to end the year in blow off mode.
If so, then we get to repeat this whole process again next year.
Following the trend - both up and down - is the way to trade high risk blow off phases. Hisrtory puts a 80% chance we see a fall crash, versus we see a 1998/1999 royal melt-up.
One of the reasons I think this is different from those bear markets, is that I just don't see an inverted yield curve anywhere in sight. I believe all of those bears were preceded by a sharp curve inversion. I'm hardly a bond market expert, but bonds seem to be in an entirely different place than anything we're accustomed to.
HJ. The crash this time could be due to a spike in yields. A totally different tune.
I've thought about that. Is there a historical precedent?
HJ. It is a strange thing. At first, this will sound like a contradiction from my previous post. Crashes, by definition, happen from great heights. That usually happens after yields have been rising anyways (because things have been good). So in essence, almost every crash has been preceded by a rise in yields! The historical precedent we are looking for is something different. Yields have three components 1. Inflation 2. Real interest/growth 3. Fudge factor (liquidity preference?) Something China-related could cause a sustained spike in that third component. I think a lot of crashes have an element of that third component as a trigger, but it is usually brief. I can't think of a precedent for a long-term rise in liquidity premia. There might have been in 1800s and before. I will have to review. Also, keep in mind that just because a particular mechanism for a crash hasn't happened in the last century, it doesn't mean it is any less likely of a potential cause. Market historians have recreated financial markets to antiquity, and crashes were caused by all sorts of reasons we haven't seen since the NYSE has existed.
There are other elements to consider beyond the yield curve that were present prior to all past major bear markets. One is prolonged bull market (this is second longest on record.) One is margin debt record followed by a pullback in margin debt (current level comparable to 2000 and 2007 peaks, and is backing off.) Deteriorating earnings growth (SP earnings peaked in 2014.) Recession indicators moving into position for a turn (record low 4 week MA of unemployment claims, record high consumer confidence, record high business confidence = all ready to switch the other way.) Divergence (Trannies, utilities, small caps all in position to non-confirm a move to new highs for industrials, SP, NAZ.) Very high valuations (stocks have only spent 9% of time at these, or above these, lofty valuations, and most of those were going into the 2000 and 2007 peaks.
Add in the potential for a meat-grinder war with North Korea that can start without any warning at any time, a constitutional crises in the US if news event swing bad for Trump re Russia, or Obama re wire-tapping, a government shut down as freedom caucus dig in, a failure of another Greek bailout this summer, or an anti-EU win for candidates in France or Germany.
And, last but least, the yield curve can invert in one of two ways. Short rates rise faster than long rates. Long rates drop faster than short rates.
Any fear event outlined above can easily result in the latter as money comes out of stocks into the bond market.
The markets are a confidence Ponzi scheme, after all.
add rapid currency shift to the above list, where a strong dollar brings down emerging markets as their dollar denominated debt bombs go off.
"Short rates rise faster than long rates." That scenario seems much more likely to me here. No matter what, I'm convinced there is some money to be made over the next few/several months, on the long side. The latest AAII sentiment survey has only 25% of investors bullish. That will likely decline further on the next survey, then when might have a low in finally.
I use NAAIM for sentiment data, and that remains stubbornly bullish. NAAIM exposure index currently at 71% net long.
I'm personally 94% in QLD, 5% in TZA, 1% in TVIX. Looking to sell 1/2 QLD on NAZ rally to 6200, and/or reverse TZA and TVIX hedges on a 3-5% pullback.
Expect bears to be disappointed till September, though all bets are off if something blows up overseas and money rushes into the USD.
Let's keep in mind too, that we are about to cross another population milestone. 7.5 billion! Yikes!
From a popular Elliot Wave blog. "Short term symmetry appears broken 2378 might be exceeded too" LOL!
"DJIA is now going to be over 22k by mid-June '17. Likely mid-22k's." I suck at predicting anything past a quarter or two, but 2017 looks golden to me. Obviously things will get more precarious as the year goes on, and 2018 is looking downright scary from this far distance.
yah it may only be the second longest bull (for now at least) but by far the strongest bull ever. dji has average 16% annualized over last 8 years. we likely will never see a stronger bull that should end up being the longest as well.
the amount of wealth created over that time has been unprecendented and no where near done.
cheers to levels never seen before in the stock market!
hugh, why bother selling in may and trying to time market in the first place? its much easier to average in and keep buying if you are a long term investor. you win 100% of the time and don't have to try and time the market which most people probably can't. 401ks and stock portfolio's are at all time record highs and going higher
I for one am excited about us accelerating through the 2400 level here on the S&P 500. This looks like the 5th wave burst up and out of the 4th wave triangle.
What could possibly go wrong?
me too. my year end target of 2450 is going to be hit 6-7 months ahead of schedule. we could easily finish up '17 over 2550
"What could possibly go wrong?" Without a real catalyst for a crash, absolutely nothing for the time being. Unless there is something magical about the number 2400, or a particular plot on a chart. Wars do not cause crashes, particular elected officials do not cause crashes. The biggest crashes ever, have happened when everything seems perfect in the world. When enough people feel that nothing can or will go wrong, and blow every dime they have, that's when things really start to spin out of control. This is why Trump is so bullish temporarily, he's sent half or more of the country into doom mode. All of the sabre-rattling is just adding to it. The real knee slapper will be when most or all of those limp-wristed weenies, finally realize they're missing the last big run up in the market, they will jump on board the Titanic.
I think it could be important to watch if the RUT traps at the all time highs here.
Lots of negative divergences popping up. What will drive the markets higher after the FANGS pop higher after earnings? NAZ 6200 remains my target and exit point. The faster we get there the happier me and my QLD position will be. The danger to this bullish now nirvana is we b in for the mother of all traps and this is puppy dies and rolls over in the next day or so to leave us all hanging, hoping for more that never comes.
As for catalysts for a turn and crash? How about glum senator faces coming out of tomorrow's meeting with the president re NK, indicating war is coming.
How did the stock market perform during the Iraq war that started in 2003?
Iraq military was already mostly destroyed well before the war begun, especially the air force. NK remains fully intact, much larger, much closer to western interests of SK. Also there was a bear market during the build-up of both Iraq wars, with my bull/bear cycle indicator calling for a new bull market to start in both cases. Now the situation is one of a blow off bull about to turn to a Great Bear. It is not the news itself that has future forecasting power, rather then reaction to a news event. And the reaction is determined by the majority being positioned wrong when a news event lands. So a war with NK here would likely lead to the opposite of the Iraq war starts, since the bull/bear cycle is positioned exactly opposite.
2427 SPX by Thursday close ... I'll short that.
HJ has it right!
"It Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself. Where do we go from here? Data has become the tail that wags the dog; and we are pets, not free individuals in this configuration. And things are growing Darker."
It Knows.
A black box for money.
Funding the left...
Funding the right...
The Ying and Yang of continuous over-unity creation. Or perhaps The Priests of the Temple at Syrinyx.
We've taken care of everything
The words you read, the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes
It's one for all, all for one
We work together, common sons
Never need to wonder how or why
We are the priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
Our great computers
Fill the hallowed halls
We are the priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls
And Paradise! aka Xanadu! You're there but your human-ness blinds you to the truth.
TSE. You are a fan of YouTube. See 'Humans Need Not Apply'. The scariest documentary I have ever seen.
OK, now we head to 1622 SPX, for the June FOMC and the discount rate cut.
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