Friday, February 24, 2017

The worst possible situation

Only when you have passed over into chiliastic analysis, can you see the worst outcome that is possible in this world.

In my opinion, this would be complete chaos in Fed monetary policy, including possibly a series of rate hikes and cuts in mad succession, a collapse in confidence and mad panic for hard money that would complete the very-long-term "Jaws of Death" pattern before Thanksgiving.

SPX collapse


TSE said...

15% of women have slept with their bosses. (37% of those got a promotion out of it.)

That 15% is the number of women who admitted to having affairs with their bosses, so we can safely double the number to get an accurate picture of the percentage of women banging up.

This is female hypergamy 101, the desire of women to date up, marry up, and fuck up. By “up”, I mean a man’s social, economic, and sexual status: women want a man higher than themselves in all the ways that matter, except looks and youth, in which women prefer to retain an edge over the men they screw.

I suggest that is the WORST possible situation.

It's The Year of the Cat!

TSE said...

Donald Trump on putting a Wife to work:

Anonymous said...

If we make it through the first quarter with nary a correction, then my entire method of divining market direction is in need of a tune up.

Bryan Franco said...

CG. How are you counting the election leg up?

Anonymous said...

Another highly recommended read, if you haven't already. I believe this is from 2008.

Bryan Franco said...

The B.O.J. owns 10% of the Nikkei 225 and 55% of all Japanese ETFs. Should we really believe the U.S. Fed doesn't dabble in stocks! What will force them to sell?

john said...

Great stats Bryan, of course they won't sell, everyone else will though. Until BOJ owns nearly everything, then you get collapse of confidence at the tipping point. Now what percentage that tipping point is is the question, and a good one at that. It would have to be when the sheeple really see what is happening, their co-workers are getting out of the market hand over fist and some big news stories breaks about bigwigs getting out. will take long, Japan long, haha.

Bryan Franco said...

Keep the thoughts coming John and Bike.

Anonymous said...

"collapsing bond market" When is bond market going to collapse?

Bryan Franco said...

HJ. What could force the Fed to not support a bond market that begins to collapse? China could dump all their treasuries, but why wouldn't the Fed just scoop them up? What would cause them to not/be unable to scoop 'em up?

Anonymous said...

"What could force the Fed to not support a bond market that begins to collapse?" Well, I suppose nothing. That doesn't answer my question though. When/why would the bond market collapse? What's the catalyst for this collapse?

TSE said...

Pikers - not realizing that outside potential energy inputs may be....

Over Unity.

Is your mind limited - or unlimited?

Numbers are infinite - and as such the Universe has no beginning or end,

It is the Ying and Yang of Continuous creation and Destruction.

President Trump is fully in charge:

"Don't get scared now, you knew this day would come. So hold your bids, all bets are closed."

TSE said...


Hell NO!

Change it to NO jazoles.

Get in where you fit in.

TSE said...

HJ - Listen and learn:

Ken Barrows said...

Republicans will raise the debt ceiling, although it would be more fun if they didn't. They can stonewall the Garland nomination and then accuse the Dems of obstructionism. To be fair, same goes for the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

This is good.

john said...

1987 , 13 straight days of record highs, nine months dang ow, fits CG's latest chart

Anonymous said...

BPSPX just tagged 78!

Anonymous said...

Retail getting sucked into the vortex.

Anonymous said...

VIX holding 12 is telling.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was Bicycle that made a 2450 call for mid March. That looks like a fantastic call.

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

"anyone else noticing IRX blowing out today"
IRX is trading at a yield representing 0.66%. It was 5% in 2007 peak. And 6% in 2000. So lotta room to run before stocks cry uncle due to interest rates.

Anonymous said...
